Nothing quite compares the adventure of exploring urban environments on your cruiser motorcycle, taking in the nightlife or just enjoying the sights and sounds of the city. Cruisers are designed to give you a smooth and steady ride on city streets, and their classic good looks turn every ride into a fashion show. These heavyweight bikes can take a little getting used to for beginner riders, as they handle a bit differently than standard motorcycles.

If you just brought home your first cruiser, the following tips can help you master your new machine. If you’re still looking for the perfect cruiser, head to Lawton Motorsports. We have a great selection of top brands in stock at our dealership in Lawton, OK. Our qualified staff can help you choose a model that fits your needs and budget.

Get Ready to Ride

Just like any motorcycle, proper gear is the first step to staying safe on your cruiser. As the saying goes, you should always “dress for the crash, not for the ride.” Protect yourself as if you expect to get in an accident, wearing all your gear no matter how much distance you plan to cover. There’s no such thing as being too well-prepared!

Give your cruiser a quick maintenance check before every ride, making sure to inspect the tires and test the brakes and lights. Then check in with yourself: are you tired, hungry, or thirsty? Any of these conditions can impair your focus, so take care of your body’s needs before you ride.

Finally, consult the weather forecast. The windchill factor can make the temperature seem 20 degrees colder when riding your motorcycle, so layer up accordingly. Rain in the forecast? Wear waterproof outerwear, or postpone your ride until conditions improve.

Watch for Hazards

City streets are often bustling with pedestrians, children, pets on and off leashes, and vehicles of all kinds. You need to pay attention to your immediate surroundings while also watching the road ahead. Road conditions in the city can vary as well, so keep an eye out for obstacles like litter and potholes. Slow your roll at intersections, where oil spills from idling vehicles can cause traction issues. Steer clear of suspicious spots on the pavement when possible.

Know Your Limits

Every rider has limits, no matter how experienced. Safe riding starts with selecting a bike that doesn’t exceed your limits. Cruisers are all hefty machines, but some models are heavier than others. Make sure to choose a cruiser that isn’t heavier than you can handle.

You also want to choose riding routes that match your skill level. Consider joining or coordinating group rides with riders of the same experience level so you can watch out for each other. There’s safety in numbers, and it’s a great way to make new friends!

Don’t Cut Corners

City riding is full of twists and turns, and there’s a bit of a “learning curve” when it comes to cornering on your cruiser motorcycle. Cruisers are big bulky bikes, and maneuverability is not their strong suit. Keep your corner arc as big as you can without running wide on the exit, and shift your weight toward the inside of the turn. This approach should help you clear those corners without breaking a sweat. 

Defend Yourself

Defensive driving is the best strategy for riding any motorcycle in any environment. The urban environment is especially full of distractions for absent-minded motorists, and many drivers don’t look out for motorcycles. You should always assume you are invisible, even if your cruiser has a neon green paint job. Use extra caution when turning, changing lanes, and crossing at busy intersections. Give other vehicles plenty of space, and don’t engage with angry drivers! Road rage isn’t just a bad look, it can be downright dangerous.

We hope you found this guide helpful! Are you ready to rule the roads on your cruiser motorcycle? Find your perfect match at Lawton Motorsports. We proudly serve our community in Lawton, OK, along with our neighbors in Edmond, OK.